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                | Links: Home | Clash of Clans | Contact | Friends              Privacy Policy |
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                | Hey so finding this page means you came through the domain WhatsCPS.com I'm  |
                | gonna be quite honest, I don't know how you even found this domain anymore   |
                | but hey you found it so I guess I'll do some quick explaining why you're now |
                | on a site called jme.moe                                                     |
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                | First yes, I am WhatsCPS I've just "changed" to calling myself JME now which |
                | is closer to my real name Jamie. I've quit Minecraft & have 0 reason         |
                | to ever come back, I am not & will not be selling my accounts to anyone for  |
                | any reason.                                                                  |
                | If you for some reason need to talk to me about anything Minecraft related   |
                | please keep it short & sweet as I'd rather not talk about something I'm not  |
                | interested in anymore.                                                       |
                | Talks about Hypixel Boosting will be blunt. Conversations about cosmetics on |
                | clients won't happen as I'd need to login to remind myself of the cosmetics  |
                | I have. And for topics about clients I was hired to work on, well I'll only  |
                | talk to current staff members on those projects.                             |
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                | Finally I do not regret any action or inaction I did while apart of the      |
                | "Minecraft Community" from things I said, did or purchased. Everything I did |
                | I look back on fondly.                                                       |
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                | If you still wish to contact me you can do so here.                          |
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